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Dermilk SS

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Dermilk SS

The milk naturally has a high microbial charge which, along with the residual accumulations during the milking operation, remains on the surface of the plants.
In milk residues, mixed with limestone incrustations, germs find the ideal environment for growing and multiplying rapidly.
Considering that milk bacterial charge is one of the parameters in paying for quality milk, working with perfectly cleaned and sanitized milking and collection facilities means a drastic reduction in milk microbial charge and therefore a more valuable product

*  DERMILK G (K0038500)

Liquid alkaline detergent with chlorine-active agent to be used for the daily treatment of milking. It rinses easily, doesn’t form foam, and can be used in cold weather.       



For containers, equipment, pipes and manual milking equipment, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Then perform the washing operation with a DERMILK G solution at a concentration of 0.5%. After a 10-15 minute contact time, rinse abundantly. For automatic milking equipment, pre-rinse abundantly after each milking with drinking water, circulate a cold solution of DERMILK G at 0.5% for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. The product is also available in powder form as DERMILK Z.

 *  DERMILK Z (K0038300)


Alkaline powder detergent with active chlorine-sanitizing action.

The product is used in the same way as DERMILK G with the warning of using hot water (45-50 ° C).

*  DERMILK SS (K0038700)


Acid descaling for the biweekly treatment of the milking circuit. In addition to cow’s milk it is perfectly effective also on plants that treat sheep or goat’s milk.


The DERMILK SS should be used twice a week to perform general cleaning and a complete disinfection from deposits and residues which would otherwise be easy to detect dirt and infections.

It is advised to pre-rinse abundantly and then treat with a DERMILK SS solution at a concentration of 2-3%, allowing it to work for 15-20 minutes.

It is always necessary to have an abundant final rinse.